Vespaprepare and Testtour to Irland

I startet with a black PX 200, what was broken. Put the scooter on a trailer to cherbourg in France, took the ferry to Roslare.

BIG fuck up! When we opend the engine, we found a broken part. The clutch, Rearbreak, the crankshaft and oher importent things where broken aswell.


Alex, NO chance to repare the black scooter. The best solution, take on of my spanish Postscooter.

But they have just 125cc...

I bought a "new" "old" Scooter and we startet again...

All Postscooters are 125cc because its better to carry heavy weights. I´ll belive it and try now to carry all my luggages over the mountains with my new Postbaby... 

It was cold. An Alaska-camping-test-tour also...

Cleaning, splitting the engine....looks better! Really!

In some point my new Baby was born, and we were ready to ride the first 2000km back home to Germany, Cologne

Southirland, from Cork along the coast to the "ring of kerry" and up to Dublin.

It was just 2°C and raining...

Cold, wet but beautiful...


Nice Pubs! Tasty Guinness!